Aim of this site is to provide you with various book reviews, medical Ebooks and Articles about various Medical Dictionaries, Pharmacology, Anatomy, microbiology, Physiology, Genetics, immunology, Pathology, medical Statistics, Histology, Embryology, Neuroscience, Epidemiology, Neurology, Cardiology, gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Rheumatology, Pulmonology, Haematology, Nephrology, Oncology, Psychiatry, infectious Disease, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Traumatology, Urology, Vascular Surgery, Thoracic surgery, colorectal Surgery, Cardiac surgery, Surgical oncology, Hand Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, ENT, Medical Series, Dentistry, General Dentistry, Oral Surgery, Orthodontics, Oral Radiology, anaesthesia, critical care, pediatrics, radiology, gynecology, family medicine and more, etc.


The medical care of infants, children and adolescents belongs to the branch of medicine called pediatrics. Patient’s ranges from birth to the age of 21can undergo treatment under a pediatrician. As a smaller body of an infant is different from that of an adult, hereditary defects, inherited variance and developmental matters form the main concerns to a pediatrician in general. Pediatricians often have to treat the parents of the infant patients rather than just the patient.

Following are the few pediatrics online books and pdf ebooks available in web.
  1. The Changing Concept of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Diagnostic Coding Shifts, Controversies Regarding the Sleeping Environment, and New Variables to Consider in Reducing Risk
  2. Your complete list of journals, books and databases in pediatrics
  3. Evidence-Based Options to Improve Routine Immunization
  4. American pediatrics: the social dynamics of professionalism, 1880-1980 By Sydney Ann Halpern
  5. Pediatrics: PreTest self-assessment and review By Robert J. Yetman, Robert Yetman, Mark Hormann
  6. Pediatrics, Volume 1 By Lucy M. Osborn
  7. Pediatrics By Jane E. Puls, A. Eugene Osburn
  8. Pediatrics: an approach to independent learning By C. William Daeschner, C. Joan Richardson 
  9. Pediatrics: a primary care approach By Carol D. Berkowitz
  10. Pediatrics By Howard Bauchner, Robert J. Vinci, Melanie Kim


Endocrine systems, its diseases and its exact secretions called hormones come under the category of endocrinology. Proliferation, augmentation, differentiation and the co-ordination of metabolism, excretion, movement, reproduction, respiration, and sensory perception depend on the chemical cues, substances synthesis and secreted by specialized cells. The comprehensive learning of bio synthesis, storage, chemistry, and physiological functions of hormones and with the cells of endocrine glands and tissues that emit them is termed as endocrinology. Several glands present in the endocrine system emit hormones openly into the blood relatively than into a vessel system. One target organ may be affected by more than one hormone. The hormones act by binding to specific receptors in the target organ, which have at least two basic constituents namely, a recognition site and an effector site.

Following are the few endocrinology online books and pdf ebooks found on web.
  1. Endocrinology: basic and clinical principles By P. Michael Conn, Shlomo Melmed
  2. Endocrinology: the glands and their functions By Roy Graham Hoskins 
  3. Endocrinology By P.R. Yadav 
  4. Clinical endocrinology By Ashley Grossman 
  5. Pediatric endocrinology By M. Sperling 
  6. Essential endocrinology and diabetes By Richard I. G. Holt, Neil A. Hanley, Charles Groves Darville Brook 
  7. Acute endocrinology: from cause to consequence By Greet Van den Berghe 
  8. Endocrinology at a glance By Ben Greenstein 
  9. Prevention and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Children, With Special Emphasis on American Indian and Alaska Native Children 
  10. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 


The digestive system and its disorders are studied in the branch of medicine called gastroenterology.  Gastro intestinal areas which consist of the organs from mouth to anus beside the alimentary canal can be affected by diseases and are the main focus on gastroenterology. The corresponding physicians are called gastroenterologists. A qualified gastroenterologist should have completed the eight years of pre-medical and medical education, the year long internship, three years of an internal medicine residency and two to three years in the gastroenterology fellowship. Specialized in GI radiology, gastric medicine or GI oncology will have to complete a two or three year fellowship. Gastroenterology is not the same as gastroenterological surgery or of colon and rectal surgery which are nothing but specialty branches of general surgery. Hepatology involves the study of the lever, pancreas and bilary tree.

Following are the free Gastroenterology pdf tutorials and online ebooks available on web.
  1. Gastroenterology: an illustrated colour text By Graham P. Butcher
  2. Gastroenterology By S. P. L. Travis, Tariq Ahmad, Jane Collier, A Hillary Steinhart 
  3. Gastroenterology By Christopher Fox, Martin Lombard 
  4. Manual of equine gastroenterology By Tim S. Mair, Thomas J. Divers, Norman Guy Ducharme
  5. Blueprints Pocket Gastroenterology By Shilpa Grover 
  6. Manual of Gastroenterology: Diagnosis and Therapy By Canan Avunduk 
  7. Clinical gastroenterology: a practical problem-based approach By Nicholas Joseph Talley, Christopher J. Martin 
  8. The Little Black Book of Gastroenterology By David W. Hay 
  9. Practical pediatric gastroenterology By John A. Walker-Smith, John Richard Hamilton, W. Allan Walker 
  10. Textbook of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition By Stefano Guandalini 
  11. World Journal of Gastroenterology
  12. ESPEN Guidelines on Enteral Nutrition: Gastroenterology
  13. Unraveling Reduces Mobility in a Labor Market: Gastroenterology with and without a Centralized Match 


Cardiology is the branch of medical science which specializes in dealing with heart diseases and the medical doctors who specialize in the heart disorders is called cardiologists. Cardiology includes analysis and healing for congenital heart disease, Coronary artery diseases, valve defects, heart failure and electrophysiology. Heart failure can be caused due to the failure of the heart to give the sufficient blood flow to meet the body’s need. Other cardiac related illnesses such myocardial infarction or cardiac arrest is often wrongly termed as heart failures. The deterioration of the function of the micro cardial is termed as cardiomyopathy and it results in arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death or both. The enlargement of ventricles in the heart is called as ventricular hypertrophy. Enlargement can occur in either of the two ventricles or both. Tumors that arise from the normal tissues that constitute the heart are called as primary tumors. In contrast to primary tumors secondary tumors of the heart are either metastatic from another part of the body or infiltrate the heart by way of direct extension from the surrounding tissues. Due to the tearing of the walls of the ventricles or atria of the heart, of the intratrial or interventricular sectum, of the papillary muscles or cordie tendineae are one of the valves of the heart Myocardial rupture occurs.

Following are the few Cardiology online ebooks and pdf download tutorials found on web.
  1. Non-invasive Cardiology Based on Combined Use of Ecg Monitoring, Nuclear Myocardial Perfusion studies and stress Echocardiogram By Dr. Firouz Khamsi
  2. Cardiovascular survey methods By Russell V. Luepker 
  3. Current diagnosis & treatment in cardiology By Michael H. Crawford 
  4. Cardiology By R. R. Baliga, Daniel Becker, David Corteville 
  5. Cardiology By R. H. Swanton 
  6. Cardiology: Clinical Cases Uncovered By Tim Betts, Jeremy Dwight, Sacha Bull 
  7. Cardiology explained By Euan A. Ashley, Josef Niebauer 
  8. Molecular cardiology for the cardiologist By Bernard Swynghedauw 
  9. Philippine Journal Of CARDIOLOGY July-September 2003, Volume 31 Number 3:97-104
  10. Diagnostic Cardiology


Neuroscience, a branch of biology, is a scientific study of nervous system, which involves other disciplines such as science, mathematics and physics, medicine etc. It relates to the study of molecular, developmental, structural, functional, evolutionary, computational and medical aspects of the nervous system. The diseases of the nervous system mainly relates to neurology, psychiatry and neuropathology. Neurology deals with diseases relation to central and peripheral nervous system. Psychiatry focuses on perceptual disorders. While neuropathology focuses on classification and pathogenic mechanisms of central and peripheral nervous system. However, the current neuroscience education centers point on distinct experimental or curricular approach.

Following are the free neuroscience online ebooks and pdf tutorials available in web.
  1. Neuroscience of psychoactive substance use and dependence By World Health Organization
  2. Introduction to Neuroscience I By Donald C. Cooper Ph.D.
  3. Introduction to Neuroscience
  4. The Neuroscience of Mental Health: A Report on Neuroscience Research By Stephen H. Koslow
  5. The neurosciences: a study program  
  6. Neuroscience of psychoactive substance use and dependence 
  7. Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory
  8. Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience
  9. Quantum physics in neuroscience and psychology: a neurophysical model of mind–brain interaction 
  10. Affective neuroscience and psychophysiology: Toward a synthesis


The word pathology has come from the Greek word “pathos” which means disease. Thus in medical terms pathology is the study and diagnosis of diseases. And the medical doctors who diagnosis the disease is called a pathologist. The pathologist depends mainly of biopsies, body fluids and laboratory tests to diagnosis the disease. Normally, pathology is divided into two, namely, General pathology and Clinical pathology. General pathology includes the scientific study of diseases whereas clinical pathology includes both anatomic and clinical pathology. The word pathology has got wider meaning in science as physical pathology means the study of mental, emotional and behavioral reasons which causes diseases, whereas vet nary pathology includes the study of diseases in animals and the study of diseases in plants is included in physiopathology. Generally pathology finds its application in curing necrosis, inflammation, wound healing and neoplasia. Now a day’s pathologists are of great demand in all hospitals and various medical universities are conduction courses for this.

Following are the pathology online ebooks and pdf tutorials available in web.
  1. Cellular pathology: as based upon physiological and pathological histology By Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow and Frank Chance
  2. Canine pathology: or, a description of the diseases of dogs, with their causes, symptoms, and mode of cure By Delabere Pritchett Blaine 
  3. Special pathology and diagnostics: with therapeutic hints By Charles Godlove Raue 
  4. Rhizoctonia solani, biology and pathology By J. R. Parmeter
  5. Mental pathology and therapeutics By Wilhelm Griesinger 
  6. Selections in pathology and surgery By John Davies (M.D.) 
  7. Outlines of general pathology By George Freckleton 
  8. Lectures on surgical pathology, Volume 1 By James Paget
  9. Elements of general pathology By Auguste François Chomel
  10. Outlines of human pathology By Herbert Mayo 
  11. Observations on the pathology of croup By Horace Green 
  12. General elements of pathology
  13. Practical Pathology
  14. On the pathology, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of thoracic consumption By John Charles Hall
  15. Pathology
  16. Your Guide to the Breast Cancer Pathology Report
  17. Army Veterinary Pathology  
  18. Embryo and Fetal Pathology 


    The immune system helps the body to protect themselves form the damages caused by the micro organisms like the bacteria, fungus, viruses etc. Their immune system of an organism starts to develop from when it is an embryo. Along with the development of the embryo the immunity also develops. The branch of bio medical science which undergoes the structural and functional studies with respect to the immune system is called Immunology. 

    Immunology also concentrates its studies in technically improving the immune system in organism using laboratory techniques. According to the application immunology is divided as 
    • Classical immunology, the most scientific and traditional approach in this field believed to have developed around 19th and 2oth century. Classical immunology studies the rapport between the body structures, immunity and pathogens. Credit goes to Athens who found out immunity when they were affected with most dangerous and contagious disease, namely, plague during 430 BCE. Further Thucydides found out that there are certain diseases that will attack body system only once. Thus classical immunology has become successful in linking epidemiology and medicine; 
    • Clinical Immunology involves the scientific study of diseases that are caused as a result of immune system disorders. There can be disorders in the immune system due to two reasons-one is immunodeficiency and the other is autoimmunity. AIDS is an example for the disorder caused as a result of immunodeficiency; Immunotherapy is the method of treating a disease by inducing, suppressing or enhancing the immune response. This is mainly used to treat cancer along with drugs and radiation. This is also applicable for auto immune diseases. 
    Following are the free immunology online ebooks and pdf tutorials available in web.
    1. Immunology FOCUS
    2. Immunology - Antigens 
    3. Multiple sclerosis immunology for clinicians
    4. Immunology and Inflammation 
    5. Immunology of Preeclampsia 
    6. HIV molecular immunology, Volume 1 By Los Alamos National Laboratory 
    7. HIV immunology and HIV/SIV vaccine databases By Los Alamos National Laboratory 
    8. Emil von Behring: infectious disease, immunology, serum therapy By Derek S. Linton 
    9. Inauguration Symposium on Current Trends in Immunology and Genetics and genetics and their implications for parasitic diseases By International Livestock Research Institute 
    10. Sequences of Proteins of Immunological Interest By Elvin A. Kabat, Tai Te Wu, Harold M. Perry, Kay S. Gottesman, Carl Foeller


    The science of heredity and variations in living organisms is termed as genetics. The quality of crop plants and animals can be improved a lot through selective breeding. The famous scientist Gregor, Mindal is responsible for the origin of the modern science of genetics which seeks to understand the process of inheritance. Even without any prior knowledge about the physical basis for hereditary Mindal was able to observe and understand that organisms inherit traits via discrete units of inheritance which are now termed as genes. Genes correspond to regions within DNA. 

    DNA molecule is in turn composed of a chain of two different types of nucleotides. The genetic information that organisms inherit is mainly due to the sequence of this nucleotides. DNA takes place in a dual stranded structure with nucleotides on each strand complementary to each other. Each strand in turn, can be considered as a template for the creation of a new partner strand thereby providing the essential physical process for creating reproduction of genes that can be innate. The cells translate the series of nucleotides in a gene revolve to the creation of a series of amino acids and thereby creating proteins. Hence the order of amino acids in a protein should correspond to the order of nucleotides in the gene which forms the genetic cord. The folding of the protein into a three dimensional shade and thereby its function is determined by the amino acids existing within the same. All the functions required for the thriving of cells are carried out by the proteins. The shape and function of proteins amino acids are controlled by the DNA and as a result a change in the DNA can change the proteins, amino acids which can have a dramatic effect in the cell and on the organism as a whole. Genetics plays a crucial role as to the appearance and the behavior of organisms. But ultimate outcome is as a result of the combination of genetics with what an organism experiences. For example, an organism’s size is determined by the genes and the nutrition and other conditions the organism experience after the inception also has a considerable effect on the size of the organism.

    Deoxyribonucleic acid forms the molecular basis for genes. Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and Thymine are the four major types of nucleotides that are responsible for the composition of DNA. It is in the sequence of these nucleotides that the genetic information prevails. Genes exist as stretches of sequence along with DNA chain. The only exception to this basic rule can be seen in viruses where viruses have the ability to use the very similar RNA molecule as their genetic material. Researchers are able to determine the sequence of nucleotides in the DNA fragments due to DNA sequencing. Frederick Sanger and his coworkers can ne considered as architects of chain termination sequencing which is routinely used to sequence DNA fragments. This DNA sequencing is being used by researchers to investigate the molecular series connected with various human syndromes.

    Following are the free online genetics ebooks previews and pdf files available in web.
    1. Genetics: analysis of genes and genomes By Daniel L. Hartl, Elizabeth W. Jones
    2. Genetics By Rebecca L. Johnson 
    3. Genetics: science, ethics, and public policy : a reader By Thomas Anthony Shannon
    4. Genetics: unlocking the secrets of life By Nathan Aaseng
    5. Genetics By D. J. Cove 
    6. Human molecular genetics 3 By T. Strachan, Andrew P. Read
    7. Genetics By G. Archunan 
    8. Statistics in molecular biology and genetics By Françoise Seillier-Moiseiwitsch 
    9. Genetics By Drs. Scott Poethig, Ingrid Waldron, and. Jennifer Doherty 
    10. Primer on Molecular Genetics 
    11. Bacterial Genetics 
    12. Cancer Genetics 
    13. Genetics and Breeding of Groundnut 
    14. Evolutionary genetics: the Drosophila model 
    15. The New Genetics


    Physiology, a sub category of biology, deals with the science of the performance of living organism. Determination of the chemical or physical functions that organisms, organs, organ systems, cells and bio molecules have in a living system is conducted in a scientific manner. In human physiology, the study of mechanical, physical and biochemical functions of humans in good health, their organs and their composed cells, are being conducted. Physiology mainly focuses on various organs and systems. The foundation of physiological knowledge has sprouted from most aspects of human physiology and animal experimentation. Anatomy the study of the form and physiology the study of function are interlinked and hence are studied in tandem. The integration of many functions involving the systems of the human body as well as its accompanied form is the basis of the study of physiology. This overlap can be achieved through communication involving both electrical and chemical formats. The endocrine and nervous systems are responsible for the reception and transmission of signals inside the human body. Homeostasis deals with the interaction within an organism.

    At the academic level the study of physiology perceives the body as a collection of interacting systems such as the nervous system, the musculoskeletal system, circulatory system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, integument system, urinary system, immune system, reproductive system, endocrine system etc ,each system  having its own combination of functions and purposes. In the nervous system, the central nervous system involves the brain and the spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system also forms an integral part of the nervous system.  Many aspects of communication and control of various other systems is instigated by the brain which is also the organ of thought, emotion, and sensory processing. In the musculoskeletal system, the human skeleton than includes bones, ligaments, tendons and cartilage and other attached muscles form an integral part of the same. This system is responsible for the basic body structure and the ability for movement. It is in the bone marrow that blood cells are produced. Bones also form the storage sites for calcium and phosphate. The above mentioned factors mention about some of the systems and their corresponding functions.

    Following are the physiology online ebooks and pdf tutorials available in web.
    1. Physiology Cases and Problems By Linda S. Costanzo
    2. Anatomy and Physiology the Easy Way By I. Edward Alcamo, Barbara Krumhardt 
    3. Physiology: PreTest self-assessment and review By James P. Ryan, Michael B. Wang
    4. Physiology: Pre Test Self-assessment and Review By Patricia Metting, James F. Kleshinski
    5. Physiology by FFrangcon Roberts 
    6. Physiology Demystified By Dale Pierre Layman 
    7. Pulmonary physiology By Michael G. Levitzky 
    8. Cardiovascular physiology concepts By Richard E. Klabunde 
    9. Concepts in medical physiology By Julian Seifter, David Sloane, Austin Ratner 
    10. Animal physiology By William Benjamin Carpenter 
    11. Physiology and Biotechnology of Aspergillus 
    12. Anatomy and Physiology of Salmonids 
    13. The basic physiology and pathophysiology of melatonin 
    14. Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals 
    15. Basic Anatomy and Physiology of Eye Movements


    The studies of unicellular organisms or cell-cluster microscopic organisms are termed as microbiology. Some examples of micro organisms are eukaryotes such a fungi and protists, procaryotis, viruses and prions, etc. In present day curricula micro biology and immunology are offered as a single course as micro biology also involves the study of immune systems. Micro biology also encompass virology, mycology, parasitology, bacteriology,etc. Extensive research has been conducted in micro biology and thereby this field is enhancing at a very fast pace. It is estimated that till date, only 1% of all the micro species on earth have been investigated and hence even after three hundred years the field of micro biology is still in its infancy.
    Microbiology can be broadly classified into various divisions such as microbial physiology, microbial genetics, cellular microbiology, medical microbiology, veterinary microbiology, environmental microbiology, evolutionary microbiology, industrial microbiology, aero microbiology, food microbiology, pharmaceutical microbiology, soil microbiology, water microbiology, generation microbiology, nano microbiology, etc. No wonder that various jobs pertaining to the Center for Disease Control and Preservation requires a degree in microbiology.

    Following are the free microbiology pdf and online ebooks available in web.
    1.  Microbiology By Pelczar
    2. Microbiology: PreTest self-assessment and review By James D. Kettering, Craig A. Seheult 
    3. Microbiology By I. Edward Alcamo 
    4. Microbiology Demystified By Betsy 
    5. Microbiology: a centenary perspective By Wolfgang K. Joklik 
    6. Microbiology, Volume 1 By Todd A. Swanson, Sandra Kim, Olga E. Flomin 
    7. Microbiology By Rajvaidya, Dilip Kumar Markandey  
    8. Principles of Modern Microbiology By Mark Wheelis
    9. Microbiology of waterborne diseases By Steven L. Percival 
    10. Food microbiology 
    11. Tools for microbiology detection and research 
    12. Intestinal Microbiology in Crohn's Diseas: A study of Escherichia coli as a potential Etiologic Agent By Margarita Martinex Medina
    13. Clinical Microbiology in Developing Countries


    The investigation on the structure of living things is termed as anatomy. Anatomy can be classified as human anatomy, animal anatomy and plant anatomy. Due to common ancestry evolution some of the studies involving anatomy can be directly correlated to embryology, comparative embryology and comparative anatomy. Macroscopic anatomy and Microscopic anatomy are the main sub divisions of anatomy. Macroscopic anatomy also termed as topographical anatomy, regional anatomy or anthropotomy involves the study of macroscopic anatomical structures. Minute anatomical structures like histology involve the study of the organization of tissues and cytology involving the study of cells comes under the category of microscopic anatomy. The need for understanding the various purposes of organs and structures in the body led to the origin of anatomy.  The advent of technologically complex techniques such as X-ray, Ultrasound and MRI imaging has paved the way for a better understanding about anatomy. Usually anatomy is confused with anatomical pathology which is in fact a study of the grass and microscopic appearances of diseased organs. Human anatomy involves the scientific study of the morphology of the adult human body. Microscopic anatomy can be studied from various bodies such as anatomical models, skeletons, text books, diagrams, photographs, lectures and tutorials and can be assisted by realistic know-how examining slides under a microscope. Microscopic anatomy can also be learned from grass anatomy which involves realistic practice of dissection and inspection of dead human bodies.

    Medical students usually undergo complementary basic medical sciences that involve the study of human anatomy, physiology, biochemistry. The human anatomy can be taught regionally such as the study of head and chest, studying specific systems such as the nervous or respiratory systems. It also can be taught systematically. Now a day’s regional study is more preferred to systematic study. No wonder that the major anatomy text books, Gray’s Anatomy have been reedited from a system format to a regional format to keep in touch with the modern teaching methods. Surgeons and doctors specializing in histopathology and radiology require a systematic operational understanding of anatomy. Various academic institutions need human anatomists for teaching anatomy and for doing research in certain systems, tissues, organs and cells. The study of anatomy forms an integral part in a doctor’s medical career. The study of anatomy has witnessed a drastic change in the format and the amount of information being taught. Prosection is preferred with dissection in the structure of modern medical curriculum.

    Following are the Anatomy pdf tutorials and online ebooks found on web.
    1. Gray's anatomy: the anatomical basis of medicine and surgery By Henry Gray, Peter Llewellyn Williams, Lawrence H. Bannister
    2. Anatomy Demystified By Dale Pierre Layman 
    3. Constructive anatomy By George Brant Bridgman
    4. Anatomy, descriptive and surgical By Henry Gray 
    5. Clinical anatomy: applied anatomy for students and junior doctors By Harold Ellis 
    6. Anatomy Coloring Book By Stephanie McCann, Eric Wise 
    7. Clinical anatomy: an illustrated review with questions and explanations By Richard S. Snell 
    8. Surgical Anatomy and Technique: A Pocket Manual By Lee John Skandalakis, John Elias Skandalakis, Panajiotis N. Skandalakis 
    9. Anatomy & Physiology Workbook for Dummies By Janet Rae-Dupree, Pat DuPree 
    10. Anatomy 


    Pharmacology is the division of biological sciences which deals with the study of the reaction of drugs on biological organisms. To be specific, it observes how chemicals react on living organisms. While some chemicals promote normal biochemical function some other contribute the abnormal biochemical function. Thus the substances which have medicinal properties are considered as pharmaceuticals. The study of pharmacology involves drug composition, interactions, therapy, toxicology, medical applications and anti-pathogenic capabilities. 

    Pharmacodynamics and Pharmaco kinetics are the two main sub divisions of pharmacology. While in the former studies pertaining to the affects of drugs on biological systems are carried out, in the latter the effects on biological systems on drugs are being investigated.  Pharmacodynamics involves the study of associations of chemicals with biological receptors. The study about the assimilation, allocation, metabolism and emission, of chemicals on the biological systems form the main agenda of pharmacokinetics. The synonym pharmacy is usually confused with pharmacology. To be more precise, pharmacy is the name used for a profession while pharmacology deals with interaction of drugs within biological systems. Thus the study of pharmacology demands the knowledge of drugs, of the reactions of the body and drug on each other, the sources of drugs, their nature and their properties. Pharmacy on the other hand, speaks about the preparation, dispensing, dosage and the safe and the effective use of medicines. The study of pharmacology originated from the study of natural substances, mostly plant extracts. It was in the nineteenth century that pharmacology expanded as a biomedical science by applying the principles of scientific explanations to therapeutic contexts.

    Pharmacology can be categorized into various divisions which are as follows: a)Clinical Pharmacology which involves the medical field of medication effects on humans; b)Neuro pharmacology that deals with the impact of medications on the nervous system of the human body; c)Psycho pharmacology involving the study of medication on the brain; d)Pharmacogenetics pertaining to the study of differing response to drugs; e)Pharmacogenomics involving the characterization of older drugs and the use of genomic technology to discover new drugs; f)Pharmocoepidemiology  that deals with the effects of drugs in human body; g)Toxicology that investigates the harmful or toxic effects of drugs; h)Theoretical pharmacology  that concerns with the analytical and numerical involvement of matrix in pharmacology; i)Posology involving the dosage of medicines in accordance with various factors like weight, climate, age, sex etc; j) Pharmacogenosy pertaining to the composition, usage and development of medicinal substances of biological origin; k)Behaviour pharmacology that investigates the affects of drug on  behavior involving preclinical and invivo research; l) Environmental pharmacology deals with the study of pharmaceuticals and personal care products and their effects in the environment.

    Due to its wide applications pharmacology is applied in many universities world wide. In pharmacology the students perform research for studying the effects of substances for understanding the mechanisms leading to new drug discoveries within laboratory settings.

    Following are the Pharmacology online ebooks and pdf tutorial available in web.
    1. Pharmacology By Gary C. Rosenfeld, David S. Loose
    2. Pharmacology By Pamela C. Champe, Richard Finkel, Michelle Alexia Clark, Luigi X. Cubeddu 
    3. Pharmacology By Joanne I. Moore, H. Dix Christensen 
    4. Pharmacology By Franklin A. Ahrens
    5. Pharmacology By James S. Dawson, Magali N. F. Taylor
    6. Pharmacology: Pretest Self-assessment and Review By Marshal Shlafer 
    7. Pharmacology: Principles and Practice By Miles P. Hacker, William S. Messer, Kenneth A. Bachmann 
    8. Pharmacology demystified By Mary Kamienski, James Edward Keogh 
    9. Pharmacology By Donald W. Barnes
    10. Pharmacology By Douglas  
    11. Pharmacology edited by R H Manske, H. L. Holmes, R. G. Rodrigo 
    12. Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics By Jim E. Riviere, Mark G. Papich 
    13. PHARMACOLOGY: Drugs Acting on Gastrointestinal System 
    14. Pharmacology of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products 

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