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The studies of unicellular organisms or cell-cluster microscopic organisms are termed as microbiology. Some examples of micro organisms are eukaryotes such a fungi and protists, procaryotis, viruses and prions, etc. In present day curricula micro biology and immunology are offered as a single course as micro biology also involves the study of immune systems. Micro biology also encompass virology, mycology, parasitology, bacteriology,etc. Extensive research has been conducted in micro biology and thereby this field is enhancing at a very fast pace. It is estimated that till date, only 1% of all the micro species on earth have been investigated and hence even after three hundred years the field of micro biology is still in its infancy.
Microbiology can be broadly classified into various divisions such as microbial physiology, microbial genetics, cellular microbiology, medical microbiology, veterinary microbiology, environmental microbiology, evolutionary microbiology, industrial microbiology, aero microbiology, food microbiology, pharmaceutical microbiology, soil microbiology, water microbiology, generation microbiology, nano microbiology, etc. No wonder that various jobs pertaining to the Center for Disease Control and Preservation requires a degree in microbiology.

Following are the free microbiology pdf and online ebooks available in web.
  1.  Microbiology By Pelczar
  2. Microbiology: PreTest self-assessment and review By James D. Kettering, Craig A. Seheult 
  3. Microbiology By I. Edward Alcamo 
  4. Microbiology Demystified By Betsy 
  5. Microbiology: a centenary perspective By Wolfgang K. Joklik 
  6. Microbiology, Volume 1 By Todd A. Swanson, Sandra Kim, Olga E. Flomin 
  7. Microbiology By Rajvaidya, Dilip Kumar Markandey  
  8. Principles of Modern Microbiology By Mark Wheelis
  9. Microbiology of waterborne diseases By Steven L. Percival 
  10. Food microbiology 
  11. Tools for microbiology detection and research 
  12. Intestinal Microbiology in Crohn's Diseas: A study of Escherichia coli as a potential Etiologic Agent By Margarita Martinex Medina
  13. Clinical Microbiology in Developing Countries

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