The medical care of infants, children and adolescents belongs to the branch of medicine called pediatrics. Patient’s ranges from birth to the age of 21can undergo treatment under a pediatrician. As a smaller body of an infant is different from that of an adult, hereditary defects, inherited variance and developmental matters form the main concerns to a pediatrician in general. Pediatricians often have to treat the parents of the infant patients rather than just the patient.
Following are the few pediatrics online books and pdf ebooks available in web.
- The Changing Concept of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Diagnostic Coding Shifts, Controversies Regarding the Sleeping Environment, and New Variables to Consider in Reducing Risk
- Your complete list of journals, books and databases in pediatrics
- Evidence-Based Options to Improve Routine Immunization
- American pediatrics: the social dynamics of professionalism, 1880-1980 By Sydney Ann Halpern
- Pediatrics: PreTest self-assessment and review By Robert J. Yetman, Robert Yetman, Mark Hormann
- Pediatrics, Volume 1 By Lucy M. Osborn
- Pediatrics By Jane E. Puls, A. Eugene Osburn
- Pediatrics: an approach to independent learning By C. William Daeschner, C. Joan Richardson
- Pediatrics: a primary care approach By Carol D. Berkowitz
- Pediatrics By Howard Bauchner, Robert J. Vinci, Melanie Kim