Physiology, a sub category of biology, deals with the science of the performance of living organism. Determination of the chemical or physical functions that organisms, organs, organ systems, cells and bio molecules have in a living system is conducted in a scientific manner. In human physiology, the study of mechanical, physical and biochemical functions of humans in good health, their organs and their composed cells, are being conducted. Physiology mainly focuses on various organs and systems. The foundation of physiological knowledge has sprouted from most aspects of human physiology and animal experimentation. Anatomy the study of the form and physiology the study of function are interlinked and hence are studied in tandem. The integration of many functions involving the systems of the human body as well as its accompanied form is the basis of the study of physiology. This overlap can be achieved through communication involving both electrical and chemical formats. The endocrine and nervous systems are responsible for the reception and transmission of signals inside the human body. Homeostasis deals with the interaction within an organism.
At the academic level the study of physiology perceives the body as a collection of interacting systems such as the nervous system, the musculoskeletal system, circulatory system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, integument system, urinary system, immune system, reproductive system, endocrine system etc ,each system having its own combination of functions and purposes. In the nervous system, the central nervous system involves the brain and the spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system also forms an integral part of the nervous system. Many aspects of communication and control of various other systems is instigated by the brain which is also the organ of thought, emotion, and sensory processing. In the musculoskeletal system, the human skeleton than includes bones, ligaments, tendons and cartilage and other attached muscles form an integral part of the same. This system is responsible for the basic body structure and the ability for movement. It is in the bone marrow that blood cells are produced. Bones also form the storage sites for calcium and phosphate. The above mentioned factors mention about some of the systems and their corresponding functions.
Following are the physiology online ebooks and pdf tutorials available in web.
- Physiology Cases and Problems By Linda S. Costanzo
- Anatomy and Physiology the Easy Way By I. Edward Alcamo, Barbara Krumhardt
- Physiology: PreTest self-assessment and review By James P. Ryan, Michael B. Wang
- Physiology: Pre Test Self-assessment and Review By Patricia Metting, James F. Kleshinski
- Physiology by FFrangcon Roberts
- Physiology Demystified By Dale Pierre Layman
- Pulmonary physiology By Michael G. Levitzky
- Cardiovascular physiology concepts By Richard E. Klabunde
- Concepts in medical physiology By Julian Seifter, David Sloane, Austin Ratner
- Animal physiology By William Benjamin Carpenter
- Physiology and Biotechnology of Aspergillus
- Anatomy and Physiology of Salmonids
- The basic physiology and pathophysiology of melatonin
- Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals
- Basic Anatomy and Physiology of Eye Movements