The immune system helps the body to protect themselves form the damages caused by the micro organisms like the bacteria, fungus, viruses etc. Their immune system of an organism starts to develop from when it is an embryo. Along with the development of the embryo the immunity also develops. The branch of bio medical science which undergoes the structural and functional studies with respect to the immune system is called Immunology.
Immunology also concentrates its studies in technically improving the immune system in organism using laboratory techniques. According to the application immunology is divided as
- Classical immunology, the most scientific and traditional approach in this field believed to have developed around 19th and 2oth century. Classical immunology studies the rapport between the body structures, immunity and pathogens. Credit goes to Athens who found out immunity when they were affected with most dangerous and contagious disease, namely, plague during 430 BCE. Further Thucydides found out that there are certain diseases that will attack body system only once. Thus classical immunology has become successful in linking epidemiology and medicine;
- Clinical Immunology involves the scientific study of diseases that are caused as a result of immune system disorders. There can be disorders in the immune system due to two reasons-one is immunodeficiency and the other is autoimmunity. AIDS is an example for the disorder caused as a result of immunodeficiency; Immunotherapy is the method of treating a disease by inducing, suppressing or enhancing the immune response. This is mainly used to treat cancer along with drugs and radiation. This is also applicable for auto immune diseases.
- Immunology FOCUS
- Immunology - Antigens
- Multiple sclerosis immunology for clinicians
- Immunology and Inflammation
- Immunology of Preeclampsia
- HIV molecular immunology, Volume 1 By Los Alamos National Laboratory
- HIV immunology and HIV/SIV vaccine databases By Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Emil von Behring: infectious disease, immunology, serum therapy By Derek S. Linton
- Inauguration Symposium on Current Trends in Immunology and Genetics and genetics and their implications for parasitic diseases By International Livestock Research Institute
- Sequences of Proteins of Immunological Interest By Elvin A. Kabat, Tai Te Wu, Harold M. Perry, Kay S. Gottesman, Carl Foeller