The digestive system and its disorders are studied in the branch of medicine called gastroenterology. Gastro intestinal areas which consist of the organs from mouth to anus beside the alimentary canal can be affected by diseases and are the main focus on gastroenterology. The corresponding physicians are called gastroenterologists. A qualified gastroenterologist should have completed the eight years of pre-medical and medical education, the year long internship, three years of an internal medicine residency and two to three years in the gastroenterology fellowship. Specialized in GI radiology, gastric medicine or GI oncology will have to complete a two or three year fellowship. Gastroenterology is not the same as gastroenterological surgery or of colon and rectal surgery which are nothing but specialty branches of general surgery. Hepatology involves the study of the lever, pancreas and bilary tree.
Following are the free Gastroenterology pdf tutorials and online ebooks available on web.
- Gastroenterology: an illustrated colour text By Graham P. Butcher
- Gastroenterology By S. P. L. Travis, Tariq Ahmad, Jane Collier, A Hillary Steinhart
- Gastroenterology By Christopher Fox, Martin Lombard
- Manual of equine gastroenterology By Tim S. Mair, Thomas J. Divers, Norman Guy Ducharme
- Blueprints Pocket Gastroenterology By Shilpa Grover
- Manual of Gastroenterology: Diagnosis and Therapy By Canan Avunduk
- Clinical gastroenterology: a practical problem-based approach By Nicholas Joseph Talley, Christopher J. Martin
- The Little Black Book of Gastroenterology By David W. Hay
- Practical pediatric gastroenterology By John A. Walker-Smith, John Richard Hamilton, W. Allan Walker
- Textbook of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition By Stefano Guandalini
- World Journal of Gastroenterology
- ESPEN Guidelines on Enteral Nutrition: Gastroenterology
- Unraveling Reduces Mobility in a Labor Market: Gastroenterology with and without a Centralized Match