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Neuroscience, a branch of biology, is a scientific study of nervous system, which involves other disciplines such as science, mathematics and physics, medicine etc. It relates to the study of molecular, developmental, structural, functional, evolutionary, computational and medical aspects of the nervous system. The diseases of the nervous system mainly relates to neurology, psychiatry and neuropathology. Neurology deals with diseases relation to central and peripheral nervous system. Psychiatry focuses on perceptual disorders. While neuropathology focuses on classification and pathogenic mechanisms of central and peripheral nervous system. However, the current neuroscience education centers point on distinct experimental or curricular approach.

Following are the free neuroscience online ebooks and pdf tutorials available in web.
  1. Neuroscience of psychoactive substance use and dependence By World Health Organization
  2. Introduction to Neuroscience I By Donald C. Cooper Ph.D.
  3. Introduction to Neuroscience
  4. The Neuroscience of Mental Health: A Report on Neuroscience Research By Stephen H. Koslow
  5. The neurosciences: a study program  
  6. Neuroscience of psychoactive substance use and dependence 
  7. Cognitive neuroscience of emotional memory
  8. Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience
  9. Quantum physics in neuroscience and psychology: a neurophysical model of mind–brain interaction 
  10. Affective neuroscience and psychophysiology: Toward a synthesis

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